Wednesday, October 3, 2007

First Aid Kit

Hello and welcome back to the “Family Travel Tips and Tricks blog”, where you could find tools, tips, tricks and methods on traveling with kids.

Before I will go into sharing tips on what to take to a vacation and how to pack it, let me start with the very basic – The First Aid Kit. The first aid kit includes the most basic items that should be with you whenever you travel.

Here is the content of the First Aid Kit we use:

  • Thermometer –any simple digital thermometer will be good
  • Baby acetaminophen or ibuprofen - For lowering fever and easing pain. Ibuprofen is not recommended for babies under 6 months.
  • Hand sanitizer – use before eating whenever you can not wash your hands
  • Sterile bandages - keep scratches clean and stop bleeding. I strongly recommend the ones with the cartoons figure on them as it entertain the kid.
  • Sunscreen - Use the one with both UVA and UVB protection.
  • Calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream - To soothe insect bites, rashes, and sunburn.
  • Your Prescription medications (if relevant) - bring a copy of the prescriptions and your doctor's phone number, just in case

Have a safe vacation.

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